The Top 3 Time-Tested Ways to Achieve MUCH MORE Success in Life... and in MUCH LESS Time

By Dr. Robert Anthony

Did you know that you're actually much closer to achieving your goals and dreams than you might think?

Here's a scenario: Lots of people go to the gym every January to “hit their weight goals,” but end up quitting by February.

Many people also promise themselves to quit smoking... but after a few days of success, give in to the cravings and start puffing again.

Many of us want to start successful side businesses that would one day become our ticket out of the corporate world... but just a few months down the line, we burn out and give up, sheepishly returning to the rat race.

Why is it so hard to achieve any success in life?

Here's the answer: Because your HABITS are a thousand times more powerful than your PLANS.

And if your plans are not coming to fruition, it simply means you have certain ingrained habits that actually KEEP you from reaching your goals.

That means just one thing: If you want to achieve your goals, don't work on your PLANS. Instead, spend time and effort to re-wire your HABITS.

Because here's the reality of it all:

If you don't change your habits,
then you won't change your future!

When it comes to changing your habits and (finally) achieving success, there's some GOOD news and BAD news...

The GOOD news is that there are many different ways to gain the habits that will lead you to success, wealth, good health, and abundance.

What's the BAD news?

The BAD news is that some methods work better than others... and some of the more “popular” habit-forming methods today might actually make it HARDER for you to achieve success.

What habit-forming methods are you trying today?

Here are three of the most popular habit-forming methods people use today, and where they fall short...

Great, But Not Enough on Its Own

Motivational speakers are a gift to humanity. They have the power to make their audiences discover what they TRULY want out of life, set goals to achieve what they want, and take bold, massive action to reach those goals.

But here's the problem with motivation: Studies have shown, and even motivational speakers themselves will attest to this, that motivation doesn't last.

Like showering, you'll need motivation EVERY SINGLE DAY for it to be effective. Missing your daily dose can set you back dramatically.

And even if you DO get your daily dose of motivation, without the proper practical guidance, by itself it's not enough to achieve any long-term success.

Bottom line: Motivation is great, but it's not enough on its own. You have to be prepared for a lifelong commitment of learning, acting, and adjusting – and for most of us, that's time we just don't have.